Monday, December 17, 2007

Romney's Race to Lose

I agree more and more with this idea. Read Patrick Ruffini's post at I think Romney acts more presidential than all of them combined, and he doesn't suffer from the liberalism of Guiliani, the rogue-ness of McCain, the laziness of Thompson, or the kookiness of Huckabee. Yes, he has made some flip-flops, but no Republican could be elected in MA without making some serious lurches to the center. He has great business sense, he's got a great family, and he gets things done. His big problem is his Mormonism, which, despite Huckabee, I hope will shrink as an issue. Huckabee is a theological/social conservative and an economic liberal; Romney is conservative (or fairly so) on all three fronts. I would rather have in the WH a general conservative I disagreed with theologically than an evangelical I disagreed with economically.

However, this is no least not yet.

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