Friday, August 10, 2007

What I Hope to Write

Since I am new to this blogging thing, I want to begin with some ideas of things I hope to write about over the next few weeks and months. Ya'll need to please be patient with me as I learn how all this works. Here are some ideas I hope to cover soon:
-Beginning a new school year (especially for you freshmen)
-Succeeding in OT Survey
-Some thoughts on the dangers of pornography
-Reflections on my summer
-Thoughts about all the new things happening at CIU

-Since I am reading _The Dangerous Book for Boys_, I thought to myself, "What would a book called _The Dangerous Book for Christians_ look like?" Perhaps I will begin a series of posts exploring some ideas.


Anonymous said...

Dr Crutchfield,
John will be SO excited to see you have a blog.:)He loves the blogsphere! I'm sure he'll be reading regularly and commenting often.

We are on our own OT journey here in Louisville. Currently we are bracing for 3 seminars, collequim (sp), grading (2 classes) and part-time work--all starting this Monday (not including things like your wife & church). Is he suicidal?! YES!
Welcome to blogging!
Annie Meade

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Welcome!

Looking forward to some Crutch-isms and Rabbit Trails!

Crutch said...

Great to hear from ya'll! Tell John Daniel to keep me up to date on what's going on.

Crutch said...

It was great eating lunch with you yesterday, and thanks tons for all the help getting "the house" up and running. We'll have to do more lunches.

rod said...

Oh my, does Crutch really follow rabbit trails. I like you even more than I thought I did.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the dangers of porn. I have some very strong opinions there. Can't wait to chime in.

welcome John. looking forward to your wisdom.

rod said...

though your blog appears to well-written, intriguing, thought provoking, wise, and timely - don't forget that I have the oldest, thickest blog on campus. and it not the quality of what you write, but the amount of words.
so there.
jus' sayin'